Partial or unicompartmental knee replacement may be a more suitable option for patients with severe knee arthritis, as it only replaces the worn out part of the knee rather than the entire joint. This type of surgery can provide a more natural feeling knee and has a similar lifespan to a total knee replacement, with a 95% chance of 10-year survival and an 80% chance of lasting 20 years. It is important to consult with a knee replacement surgeon, such as Dr. Udai Prakash, who has extensive experience with this type of surgery, to determine if it is the right option for you.
- Faster rehabilitation and quicker recovery
- Better function
- Less blood loss
- Fewer complications
- Preservation of normal walking pattern
- Preservation of bone and ligaments
- Smaller incision
- Less post-operative pain leading to shorter hospital stay

Medical Team
MBBS, FRCS (Eng), FRCS (Edin), FRCS (Tr & Orth) UK
Director, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon. Chief of Joint Replacement Surgery & Sports Injuries Unit
Partial knee replacement

I was turning 55 but instead of celebrating, I was in mourning! My knees had finally packed in. I was not able to enjoy even a gentle walk. I was struggling.
I was told repeatedly that total knee replacement was the only answer for me. However, Dr. Udai Prakash convinced me to go for partial knee replacement, which is a unique and rare procedure in our city. I learnt that he has over 12 years experience with this procedure with excellent results. I underwent surgery of both knees simultaneously. My recovery was surprisinglysmooth and I was walking with a walker from day one. I went home on day five and started walking outside without a stick within two weeks. By four weeks, I could sit on the floor and climb steps normally. My knee now feels natural and I have no pain.
I have been told horror stories of pain after knee replacement but I can honestly say that pain was not an issue at all. I highly recommend this procedure for those who are suitable for it.