The primary reason for most back surgeries is to get relief from back pain. Surgery is considered a last resort as experts recommend trying non-surgical treatments like physical therapy before considering back surgery. The Udai OMNI Clinic’s Spine Unit has a renowned reputation for its pioneering work in treating all types of orthopaedic spine disorders. Some of the most common causes of back pain are strained muscles, strained ligaments, the result of an abrupt and awkward movement, poor posture, lifting weight, muscle spasm, or something as basic as a bad mattress.

Structural problems may also result in back pains like ruptured disks, bulging disks, sciatica, arthritis, abnormal curvature of the spine, osteoporosis and more. Besides these, back pains may also be the result of the cauda equina syndrome, cancer of spine, infection of the spine and shingles.

Majority of back pain cases may be resolved without much medical help, just by being more careful and following medical advice. Usually back pain is categorised into two types:

  • Acute – back pain comes on suddenly and persists for a maximum of three months.
  • Chronic – the pain gradually develops over a longer period, lasts for over three months, and causes long-term problems.

Some frequently treated problems are:

  • Back & Neck Pain (all areas)
  • Cerebral Palsy patients with associated spinal deformity
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Fractured vertebrae
  • Herniated lumbar disc (Slipped Disc)
  • Lumbar Strains
  • Scoliosis and Kyphosis
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Spinal Tuberculosi
  • Spinal Tumours
  • Spondylosis and Spondylolisthesis


When surgery is indicated, our fellowship-trained surgeons offer the most advanced and proven surgery options such as:


Cervical spine surgery is generally performed on an elective basis to treat either –

  • Nerve/spinal cord impingement (decompression surgery)
    Spinal instability (fusion surgery)
  • Often, the two procedures are combined, as a decompression may de-stabilize the spine and create the need for a fusion to add stability. Spinal instrumentation (such as a small plate) can also be used to help add stability.


In a microdiscectomy spine surgery, a small portion of the bone over the nerve root and/or disc material from under the nerve root is removed to relieve neural impingement, thus providing for more room for the affected nerve to heal.


Cervical posterior foraminotomy is a surgery performed to remove bone and/or portions of a diseased or herniated disc to relieve neck and arm pain.


The surgery involves removing a small portion of the bone and/or disc material around the nerve root to allow more space for better healing.


The primary aim of a vertebroplasty is to stabilise spinal fracture and to stop the pain caused by it. Vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive surgical procedure as it is done through a small puncture in the patient’s skin (as opposed to an open incision).


A spinal fusion surgery is done to stop the motion at a painful vertebral segment, which ideally, decreases the pain generated from the joint.


This is a rapidly developing alternative to spinal fusion surgery. The artificial disc replacement surgery is a procedure that involves replacing a painful disc that is causing chronic back pain with an artificial disc that provides pain relief without compromising the spine’s natural anatomical structure.

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